coptic musician

I found myself endowed by God with certain gifts, and I want to share those gifts with all of you. 

I do not want to be like the servant who hid his talent, as in the parable told by Christ in Matthew Chapter 25, and so I want to utilize my abilities for the benefit of all and the glory of God. 

Therefore, as God gave me these gifts for free, I provide it to all of you for free. Moreover, this website will also provide a means by which others may submit their own talents for others to enjoy and access for free.

Everyone, please enjoy.


welcome and enjoy coptic music, and more, for free!

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above.”

- James 1:17

“Then he who had received the one talent ... said, ‘Lord ... I ... went and hid your talent in the ground.’  ... But his Lord answered and said to him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant . . . take the talent from him.’”

- Matthew 25

For comments, suggestions, or to post your own music on this site, please email me at:

Latest VIDEO ADDED MARCH 24, 2012